Groups of Records and Archives

Scope of Collections

  • The main archival groups of the institution are as follows:
  • Group(1)    Pre-Independence Period
  • Group(2)    World War II
  • Group(3)    Post-Independence Period
  • Group(4)    Revolutionary Council
  • Group(5)    Revolutionary Government
  • Group(6)    Myanmar Socialist Lanzin Party
  • Group(7)    Pyithu Hluttaw Records
  • Group(8)    Records of the State Council
  • Group(9)    Agreements, Conventions and Contracts
  • Group(10)   Ministry of Home Affairs
  • Group(11)   Ministry of Planning and Finance
  • Group(12)   Office of the Prime Minister
  • Group(13)   Ministry of Transportation and Communication
  • Group(14)   The State Law and Order Restoration Council
  • Group(15)   Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Group(16)   Border Areas & National Development Affairs Committee
  • Group(17)   Ministry of Culture
  • Group(18)   Ministry of Education
  • Group(19)   Ministry of Public Works
  • Group(20)   Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development
  • Group(21)   National Convention
  • Group(22)   The State Peace and Development Council
  • Group(23)   Ministry of Information
  • Group(24)   Ministry of Energy
  • Group(25)   Ministry of Immigration and Population
  • Group(26)   Ministry of Commerce
  • Group(27)   Ministry of Hotel and Tourism
  • Group(28)   Attorney General Office
  • Group(29)   Records of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Case Files As The Records

Case Files As The Records

Records pertaining to the pre-independence period are of immense historical value as they contain authentic information and eyewitness accounts about many episodes in the history of Burma. The earlier records of 1853 to 1886 reveal many useful facts on the laying down of the foundation of the British, and the Court of Ava to effect a peace treaty at the end of the Second Anglo-Burmese War were fully recorded in these files. An important political episode in 1866 that nearly changed the course of Burmese history was recorded fully in reports, and correspondence to the Chief Political Officer at the Burmese Capital of Mandalay was an eyewitness to this Palace Uprising of the Myingoon and Myingondaing Princes who assassinated the Crown Prince Kanoung.

Most records from the Ministry of Home Affairs are case files of general administration department of pre-independence and post independence period, such as the reports of the Commissioners and Simla Government of British Administration, which started from 1903. Records of the Second World War Period, are only related to the military documents. Records relating to the post independence period are conserved as records of the states and divisions, as well as meeting minutes, laws, speeches, notifications, instructions and reports of the Revolutionary Council period. Moreover, the records of economic, social and administrative activities of the Revolutionary Government Period, the principles of the Burma Socialist Programme Party, rules and regulations of the Workers' Council, proceedings of Central Peasants' Association and Central Workers' Association are also preserved in National Archives Department.

Records of the Cabinet Meeting, cases of international relations, reports, border limitations and agreements between Myanmar and neighbor countries such as Thailand and China, are also kept at the National Archives Department.

Laws, orders, notifications, instructions, meeting minutes, reports by State Law and Order Restoration Council and the State Peace and Development Council, from 1988 to 2011 are housed at National Archives Department. After that, it also consists of development activities of the progress of Border Areas and National Races Development Affairs Committee.

Furthermore, we also keep the records of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar consisting of laws, orders and amendment laws of both ministries and organizations. And then some records related to the meeting minutes of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Pyithu Hluttaw and Amyotha Hluttaw are arranged systematically at National Archives Department.

Agreements And Contracts

We preserve not only records but also agreements and contracts, for the development of diplomatic relations between Myanmar and other countries, loans agreements and so on.

Agreements And Contracts

Printed Archives

Official publication of various Government Institutions is also kept as Printed Archives. The British Burma Gazettes, the Burma Gazettes, Myanmar Gazettes, civil lists, meeting minutes of constitution and newspapers are preserved as the Printed Archives for reference.

Agreements And Contracts

Non-Paper Archives

Microfilms, microfiches, cassette tapes, Videos, CDs/DVDs, slide films, movie films and photos are also kept as Non-Paper Archives at National Archives Department.

Non Paper Archives
